Those individuals who like to pay with credit cards or one of the many other alternatives to cash will be pleased to learn that they will soon be able to do so with a grin on their face. MasterCard has developed a whole new biometric program, and in order to pay with it, customers will simply need to flash a grin. The information on this new feature has been provided by the firm in the form of a press release, and the new software has been made available worldwide. This 'Smile to Pay' service is currently being piloted in Brazil for the time being. In a recent article on their blog, Mastercard provided details on the new service. According to what was said on the website of the firm, "To make in-person payments, you no longer need to locate your phone or wallet, and for that, all you need to do is smile or shake hands." Permit me to inform you that in order to implement the new program, MasterCard is going to make use of the very same technology that is already used ...
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