The advent of social media has brought revolutionary changes in communication, enabling people to connect and share ideas globally. However, it has also given rise to a darker trend: trolling. Trolling culture, the act of provoking, insulting, or harassing individuals online for amusement or malice, has become a pervasive issue. Coupled with hate speech, it contributes to a toxic online environment with widespread societal repercussions. Understanding Trolling Culture Trolling often starts as a joke or an attempt to incite reactions. Trolls thrive on anonymity, using it to spread insults, misinformation, and hate. Over time, trolling has evolved from harmless pranks to deeply problematic behaviors, including targeted harassment and cyberbullying. High-profile figures, activists, and even ordinary users have found themselves at the receiving end of trolling campaigns, often resulting in severe mental health impacts. The Effects of Trolling on Society Mental Health Crisis : ...
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