How to Recover Your Personal Data from Data Brokers? You are the product if you do not pay for it. The remark, which has been circulating in some form since the 1970s, is overused in today's internet culture, but it simplifies a complex reality: data is incredibly valuable now, and many firms are pursuing it. Social media businesses are among the most voracious data collectors, mostly via targeted advertisements. However, data brokers are similar in that they carefully gather information and sell or trade aggregated data to the highest bidder. What are data brokers? Data brokers are organizations that gather information on users and then package it in an orderly style for sale to third parties, often other businesses or people. The collection of data is a profitable endeavor. According to WebFX statistics, there were more than 4,000 data brokering organizations in the globe in 2020, and that number has only increased since then. According to the same article, Acxiom, one of the bi...
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