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Science is getting closer to a quantum internet as data teleportation technology improves

 Researchers from the Delft University of Technology have achieved success in teleporting quantum information over a simple network. This is the first experiment of its kind and a significant step forward in the development of the quantum internet. This success was made possible as a result of greatly enhanced quantum memory as well as better quantum connection quality between the three nodes that make up the network. The strength of a future internet based on quantum computing will come from its nodes' capacity to exchange quantum information with one another. This will make it possible to implement a broad variety of applications, such as the safe exchange of confidential information, the connection of several quantum computers to increase their processing capacity, and the use of quantum sensors that are connected and extremely accurate.

The nodes of this kind of network are made up of individual quantum computers. Transferring quantum information from one of these computers to another is not a simple operation. Using light particles as a medium for the communication of quantum bits is one approach that may be used. However, because of the inherent losses that occur in glass fiber cables, it is very improbable that the light particles will arrive.

Teleportation is a more efficient technique to transmit quantum data. The protocol for quantum teleportation got its name because it works similarly to how teleportation is depicted in science fiction films. The quantum bit disappears on the side of the transmitter and then reappears on the side of the receiver.

The results of the researchers who worked on the project at QuTech, which is a partnership between the Delft University of Technology and the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), have been published in the journal Nature.

In order to move quantum bits from node "Charlie" to node "Alice," the researchers made use of an intermediary node that they referred to as "Bob."

A video that was uploaded to QuTech's Twitter feed offers an explanation of the procedure that has to be followed.

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According to one source, the process of teleportation may be broken down into three distinct parts. First, the teleporter has to put Alice and Charlie in a situation where they are entangled with one another. Even while Alice and Charlie do not have a direct relationship to one another, they are both related to Bob via other means. Alice and Bob are able to do this by connecting their own CPUs together. After then, Bob and Charlie's lives will forever be linked together. After that, Bob sends the entanglement on in the same state as it was in by carrying out a certain measurement inside its CPU. Alice and Charlie have found themselves in a complicated situation just before the teleporter is about to be activated.

In the second step, the "message," also known as the quantum bit, that is going to be conveyed is formed. Charlie is the one who has prepared this quantum data.

The final phase involves Charlie and Alice actually being teleported to each other. In order to do this, Charlie makes use of its quantum processor and a portion of its entangled state in order to carry out a measurement in conjunction with the message (Alice has the other half). As a direct consequence of this measurement, the information that was previously there on Charlie's side disappears and immediately arrives on Alice's side.

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You might be under the impression that everything is over, but unfortunately, this is not the case at all. In point of fact, the quantum bit was encrypted as it was being sent, and the key was determined based on Charlie's measurement result. As a consequence of this, Charlie will report the outcome of the measurement to Alice, who will then carry out the appropriate quantum operation in order to decode the quantum bit. After Alice has finished the necessary procedure, the quantum information may then be used.
